U-Litter Royal Balin's (Rose & Louis) 2023
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U-LITTER ROYAL BALIN'S 2023 Our little princess 🌹 has an intense rendez-vous with the handsome and impressive Louis at the beginning of...
2. Feb. 20233 Min.
Results of the exhibitions of Royal Balin's in 2022
New Champion Title ROSE German VDH-Champion German Club (IGS) Champion Austrian Champion Luxembourg Champion International Champion...
60 Ansichten0 Kommentare
14. Mai 20221 Min.
Litter Noah & Quinn
Noah Zane du Bosquet des Elfes X Viva Allegria's Miss Harley Quinn 3 males / 3 females (dob 11.05.2022)
14 Ansichten0 Kommentare
5. Mai 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen diet change
Diet change with nearly 4 weeks Cottage cheese and soaked dry food
5 Ansichten0 Kommentare
26. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen Day 21
First contact Rose with the puppies of T-Litter
12 Ansichten0 Kommentare
21. Apr. 20220 Min.
13 Ansichten0 Kommentare
20. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen Day 16
Veterinary control of our Queen Arwen and her puppies everything is perfect #tlitterroyalbalins #royalbalins #Arwen
3 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Felling & Arwen
Puppy portait 1 week Puppy 9 Royal Balin's Tipoune female green collar
6 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen
Puppy portait 1 week Puppy 8 Laurent male brown collar collar
1 Ansicht0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen
Puppy portait 1 week Puppy 7 Candice female turquoise collar . Candice female turquoise collar
5 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen
Puppy portait 1 week Puppy 6. Royal Balin's Thea purple collar female purple collar
11 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen
Puppy portait 1 week Puppy 5. Mario male blue collar male blue collar
0 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen
Puppy portait 1 week Puppy 4. Vincent male black collar
4 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen
Puppy portait 1 week Puppy 3. Emilie female yellow collar collar
3 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen
Puppy portait 1 week Puppy 2. Leslie female pink collar
1 Ansicht0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen
Puppy portrait 1 week Puppy 1. Jules male red collar
4 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20221 Min.
T-Litter Royal Balin's Feeling & Arwen Day 8
#royalbalins #arwen #tlitterroyalbalins
3 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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