Our little princess 🌹 has an intense rendez-vous with the handsome and impressive Louis at the beginning of february.
Louis, the future father of our U-Litter, and 🌹 are fully tested and both are free from all known genetic defects.
The probable birth date will be at the beginning of april.
Royal Balin's Rose 0f Feeling
(Feeling du Jardin des Lucioles X N'Arwen du Royaume de Fanelia)
Breeder Royal Balin's
Date of Birth 26.02.2020
Pedigree No. LOF 3321/582
Colour Black and white with mold
Size 42 cm
Weight 13-14 KG
DNA tested (complete DNA profil)
GPRA free 0/0
ECVO free (28.06.2022)
Elbow 0/0
French breeding status COT4
Evalution Excellent (18.09.2021)
Championships French Champion (standard), French Champion (national), French Club Champion 2021-2022 (ABNF), German Champion (VDH), German Club Champion (IGS), International Champion - CIB (FCI), Austrian Champion (ÖKV), Luxembourg Champion (FCL), European Winner 2022 (VDH), German Winner 2022 (VDH), German Bundessieger 2022 (VDH), Alpensieger 2022
Baron Louis Ties vom Primelhof
(Broeshopper's Ubbe Storm X Juffrouwje Emma van de Wuselstulpje)
Breeder vom Primelhof
Date of Birth 10.03.2018
Pedigree No. VDH/IGS 18/063 2813
Colour Black and white
Size 47,5 cm
Weight 13-14 KG
DNA tested (complete DNA profil)
GPRA free 0/0
ECVO free (28.11.2022)
Elbow 0/0
German breeding status authorized 07.03.2022
Evalution Excellent (15.06.2019 and 26.09.2020)
Championships German Club Junior Champion (IGS)